About the National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy

Delivering a Brighter Future for both People and Planet

At the core of the National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy lies an unwavering belief that through responsible stewardship, we can protect and enhance the Red Sea’s vibrant coral reefs, preserve its unique biodiversity, and nurture its coastal communities, all whilst driving towards a blue economy.

Our Vision

A thriving Red Sea environment supporting vibrant communities and a strong and diverse economy.

Strategic Goals

Environmental Sustainability
Economic Development
Social Development
Safety and Security
Governance & Collaboration

Environmental Sustainability

The National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy supports environmental protection focusing on conserving ecosystems, employing best-in-class adaptation and mitigation measures, and raising environmental awareness.

Economic Development

The National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy fosters diverse and sustainable development of knowledge around the Blue Economy, including tourism, aquaculture, and maritime commerce.

Social Development

The National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy enhances quality of life and drives social inclusion by generating thousands of new jobs in key blue economy activities, promoting local practices like traditional fishing, and creating ecotourism opportunities that benefit local communities.

Safety and Security

The National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy boosts maritime security monitoring and enforcement capabilities, enhancing resilience to maritime emergencies to ensure a safer and more secure environment in the Red Sea region.

Governance & Collaboration

The National Red Sea Sustainability Strategy enhances collaboration among KSA stakeholders, strategically optimizes coastal and marine spatial use for blue economy activities and encourages sustainable stewardship of the Red Sea Ecosystem promoting a well-governed and unified approach to its development.

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